Boxee Box “Can’t connect to internet” fix, cloned Boxee services

The Boxee Box was a short lived but powerful set top box by D-link that was released 2010 and discontinued 2012.

All Boxee Boxes relied on an application server hosted by D-link at for periodic phone-home calls and service endpoints.

In June 2019 these application servers went down, resulting in all Boxee Boxes still in operation throwing “Can’t connect to internet” errors and all user profiles and apps going offline.

In August 2019 I released a small python Flask app, boxee-server-light, to replace the downed servers. This code was created by referencing an existing project by Jimmy Conner (cigamit, forums).

To use it, you’ll need to add DNS entries for all boxee application urls, pointing to the boxee-server-light application.

For example:

… where the IP is the address of the Flask application.

For those who are unable to run their own DNS or this application, I am hosting a public version of this code. You can add my public DNS server to your router config, or set it as custom DNS on your Boxee Box in network settings. You can also point directly to my public application server using your own DNS.

My public DNS server is by whitelist only, so please email me (I don’t check comments often) if you would like access.

Public DNS server address:
Public application server address: (also)

For more up to date info and discussion, check out my Reddit post:



Do I need a static IP address from my ISP to use the public DNS?
Yes. I’ll need to whitelist your IP address. If you get a new one every day this won’t work.

I run my own local DNS. Do I need to be whitelisted to use your application server?
No. Map the boxee domains to my public app server as shown above. No whitelist required.

I’m logged out of my boxee box. How do I log back in while using this app?
Any username and password combo will work to log you back in.

I reset my boxee box. What firmware do I need to be using to use your public servers?
1.5.1 (latest) seems to work best. If you can’t find this firmware, email me.

Do apps work with this project?
I don’t have any apps connected yet. PRs welcome. I’m not 100% sure if app downloading will work without some additional code.

478 thoughts on “Boxee Box “Can’t connect to internet” fix, cloned Boxee services”

  1. Hello Nick,

    I would like access to your DNS server to be able to restore My Boxee box, but i dont know what info do you need from me to allow access for me
    thanks a lot for your effort and support

  2. Hi Nicholas,

    I was looking for a way to make my Boxee work again, and I followed the instructions found on which lead me to this page.
    Unfortunately, I’m unable to setup a Docker server since I’m running a LTSC version of Windows 10. Could you please add me to your whitelist (I don’t know what piece of informations you need)?

    Thanks for the hard work provided!

  3. Dear Nick,
    Im from the Netherlands and my Boxee isnt working any more.
    Can jou give me acces to jour plublic server.
    And a list how to instal it again.
    Hope you can help me.
    Sorry for my bad englisch.

    Douwe Veenstra

    1. Hoi Douwe,

      Is het jou gelukt om je Boxee weer aan de praat te krijgen?
      Ik hoor graag


  4. Hi,

    I found your article about the boxee server and I would really like to get acess to your public server..

    I´m not sure what info you need from me to add me to whitelist, though…

  5. Hi Nicholas
    I understand you’re our hero regarding Boxee!
    I am unable to run my own DNS, so I would like to sign up for your public application
    Best regards from Denmark

  6. Hi Nick.
    Yesterday, I’ve deleted by mistake my (only) user existing on my box. Since then, I’ve been stuck in the “login windows” loop, with no chance to step further 🙁

    After reading your post and set up a DNS server on my network to forward all requests “*” to your app server, I’ve been able to pass the login phase and regain the control of my boxee.
    Now I’m able to play content hosted on my smb server like I did before.

    Thank you from Spain!!

    1. Hola Gianluca, ¿estas en España? a mi me pasa totalmente lo mismo, ¿me puedes decir como has pasado de la fase de inicio de sesión? ¿Qué configuración o servidor has utilizado para que funcione? si quieres me puedes enviar la respuesta a mi email particular ( Te lo agradecería mucho. Gracias.

        1. Hi Nick,
          Fantastic work! Could you add my IP address into your whitelist? I really need my Boxee work again.
          My static IP address is:

        2. Can you please add me to your list? I have been trying for days to get this boxee working again. I am stuck at the network as i cant get it to connect to anything. I would like to try your boxee server light if thats the best way to get it online.

        3. Hello nick I have I just got a boxee tv box which I was sold by someone I never new about the box being discontinued or not connected to the internet I’m in the uk and I can’t connect to the internet with the box can you advise me on what to do

  7. Hi There

    I’m trying to connect my Boxee Box to the internet and keep getting this error “Ethernet cord plugged om, but we can’t connect to the internet. I’m assuming that I need to use Manual settings?

    My Network settings are as follows:

    IPv4 address: (Preferred)
    Subnet Mask:
    DNS Server:

    I’m stuck on how to progress. Please can you assist if possible?
    Thank you

  8. Hi Nicholas
    I need your help with my Boxee!
    So would also like to sign up for your public application since I can’t run my own DNS-server.
    Best regards from Sweden

  9. Hi Nicholas,

    First of all, thanks for a great job with the boxee! I’ve got your python app running and my box gets past the create user part. My problem is installing the boxee+hacks since my box is at I need to upgrade to but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. I’ve downloaded the iso from and tried to upgrade my box with it, but it’s still at 1.2.3xxx after the upgrade. Do you have another iso or is the one mentioned above the only version you have? Appreciate your help 🙂

    Kind Regards

  10. Hello Nick,
    What a mistake to reset the Box 🙂
    Can you please put me on the whitelist ?
    Thank you in advance


  11. Good Morning Nick
    This is awesome that You have done this..

    Would You be able to add me to the White list so i can get my Boxee alive again ?
    My Wan ip is Dynamic so I’m not sure what is needed to do this.
    Please Help

    Thank You Muchly


  12. Dear Nick,
    I’m Marthijn from the Netherlands. Also my Boxee isn’t connecting to the internet anymore.
    Can jou help us and give me acces to your plublic server? And perhaps help with how to instal it again?

    Hope you can help!

    PS Sorry for my bad Englisch.

    Grtz Marthijn Jansen

  13. Hi Nick,
    I would like to be added to your whitelist, hopefully it’ll get my Boxee Box back up running.
    Thank you so much 4 your effort.

    Greetings from Denmark.

  14. Normally never comment on stuff like this but Nick did me a solid and really helped me making this work. GREATLY appreciate you resurrecting my BoxeeBox. Cheers to you!

  15. I stupidly did a Factory restore and have lost access, as there no internet.
    hoping your suggestion will restore it to near normal so i can root again.
    pls add me to your white list.
    txs John Race

  16. Hi Nick, I would like to access your DNS server please. I also did a factory reset and cannot connect to the internet.

  17. Hi Nick,

    I got a used Boxee Box which, of course does not connect to the internet. So, of course since ,I didn’t know better,I foolishly did a factory reset.

    I know my IPS address, and I can add addresses to the DNS servers and add search domains, but I don’t know how to set up my computer as a server.

    Will your solution work on a Mac? That would be my preferred platform.

    I would like to set up my own server, but if I can’t I would like to be whitelisted on yours.

    Thank you.

  18. Hello!

    I would like you to help me to bring my Boxee to life again.
    I come to the window where I shall connect to internet an insert ip, dns etc. And it won`t connect of course.
    How do I go from there??

    Hans Johansson

  19. Nick,
    My local DNS (PiHole) is waiting for work 😉
    However how do I run boxee-server-light outside of docker?
    Running directly in python exits immediately Please help.

  20. I think I solved (sofar) the problem by adding:
    if __name__ == ‘__main__’ :, port=80, host=’′)


    1. Glad you figured it out! Sorry for the delayed comment. Been a while since I ran the server straight via Flask. Would have needed to see the error you got to debug.

  21. Hola gusto en saludarte, mi nombre es Gilbermar Barreto, por favor me ayudas para colocar tu servidor como dns, poco entiendo, pero alli voy
    aca mi ip:

  22. Hello!

    I would like you to help me to bring my Boxee to life again.
    I come to the window where I shall connect to internet an insert ip, dns etc. And it won`t connect of course.
    How do I go from there?
    I would like to be added to your whitelist.
    I dont Speak English :c

  23. Nicholas,
    Thanks for all your effort to help us get our BBs back up and running.
    I would like to add my IP address to your Whitelist however I am uncertain of which specific IP address you want.
    I’m hoping to get Kodi installed but I made the mistake of doing a factory Reset and now I can’t get past the setup stage. I looking for the simplest workaround.

  24. hello i also im trying to bring my boxee back to life and also get stuck in the connection page.Any help please?

  25. Hi Nick. Just found this yesterday. I’ve been frustrated with the lack of internet on my Boxee, and wasn’t sure what to do about it. Can I get you to whitelist me on your DNS server? I’m interested in trying to get this working.

    My IP is Thanks!

    – Peter

  26. Hello Nick. Can I get you to whitelist me on your DNS server? I’m interested in trying to get this working.

    my Ip is
    Thank you Lukasz from Poland

      1. Can you please add me to your DNS as i want to get my boxee box back online.


  27. Hello Nick I have also problem on my Boxxe Box. Can I get you to whitelist me on your DNS server? I’m interested in trying to get this working.Thank you so mauch you is best.

    this is my IP
    Regards Lukas From Poland

  28. Hi Nick hope You can help me with mi boxee tv I have troubles for connect I was working good with YouTube but I restart My boxee and now I can’t connected
    The version firmware is 1.5.4 4563 model DSM 382
    LAN MAC C8BE1922COE4
    You need other thing for add to whitelist. Thnx for your attention.

  29. Hey Nick,
    I am so lucky to have found this thread as this is something i have been searching for. Like many a factory restore rendered my box unusable……Pleeeassseee allow me access to your DNS server to restore My Boxeeeeee

    I can’t wait to be active again!!!!

      1. Hi Nick,
        My Boxee is stuck at connecting to internet. Please add my ipv4 address in your list.
        It’s Please advise where to get the steps, how to connect to internet.

      1. Hi Nick.
        I’m sorry, my mistake. My IPv4 address is: , IPv6 is not detected. Thank you and sorry for the trouble;)

  30. Hello nick 🙂

    Ive bought a used DSM-380 (boxxe box , D-Link). I belived i made a bargain…..(hah lol)
    Now I cant get passed the setup login screen, and cant connect to internet like SO many others.
    Dont know is a factory reset was made prior to me owning it.

    So is it possible to get passed this login screen somehow?
    I only want to use it to wach ofline content on HDD/USB.
    And if possible also install xmbc/kodi

    All this requests for added to your sever, could this help me passed the screen…?
    I cant acces any settings etc, beacuse im stuck at login network wifi/ethernet

    //Thank you in advance.
    Best Regards

      1. Thanks,
        What do I put on network settings:
        IP address ?
        Netmask ?
        Default gateway ?
        DNS server ?
        Wireless network name ?

  31. Thanks,
    What do I put on network settings:
    IP address ?
    Netmask ?
    Default gateway ?
    DNS server ?
    Wireless network name ?

  32. Hi Nicholas,

    I would really appreciate it if you could add me to your server.
    My IP address is

      1. Hi Plz add me
        My IP is

        What would I require once you add me. My Boxee is at the factory reset screen. Asking me for IP, Newmarket, Gateway and DNS Server.

  33. Nicholas,

    Greetings from Germany!

    Please add me to your whitelist also. I have two BBs I’d like to get up and running again.
    Public IP is:

    Many thanks in advance and continuing to support the BB Community!!!

  34. Hi Nick,
    could you please add my IP to the WhiteList to make my BoxeeBox operational again –
    Many thanks in advance

  35. Hi Nicholas,

    I would really appreciate it if you could add me to your server also.
    My Public IP address is:

    Best regards!

      1. Absolutely brilliant! This really made my day and I’m extremely grateful!!!

        It’s understood that you make exception adds for a limited period. Therefore, I hope that mine can remain long enough through until Sunday (9Jan). I need at least this weekend to complete my other sidelined Boxee that’s been packed away.

        Many thanks and best regards!

  36. Hi Nicholas,

    I would really appreciate it if you could add me to your server also.
    My Public IPv4 is:

    Best regards!

  37. Hola Nick
    Soy nuevo usuario de boxee .TV y la verdad no sé ni cual es mi IP solo tengo estos datos me podrías ayudar
    Modelo NO: DSM-382
    S/N: R3NW1CA062258
    H/W Ver.: A1
    F/W Ver:
    De antemano muchas gracias
    Espero su respuesta con muchas ansias

  38. Hi Nick
    I think I am missing something in setting perhaps you can guide me.

    My boxee is connected by Ethernet cable, I have tried wireless also, but same result.

    I turn on and message is displayed.

    ” ..cable is plugged in but Boxee cannot connect to internet.. ”

    I choose manual configuration and give following:


    It returns message:

    “..cable is plugged in but configuration failed..”

    I would really appreciate if you can help me with this.

    Thanks and Regards


    1. Is that IP address available? Sounds like it’s having a network collision. Maybe try another open IP for the box.

  39. Hello Nick! A friend told me about what you are doing! Could I please be added to your DNS whitelist? External IP is: Thank you!

  40. Hi Nick! Just like the rest of your posters, I to need help with getting an old factory reset boxee box to work again.

    Just to be clear – All I need to do is to send you my ip-adress, get it white-listed, and then write on “dns-server” during the boxee box startup screen? Or have I missed something?

  41. Inadvertently reset my Boxee.
    Now it’s useless.

    Can you please add my IP to your server as well.

    Thank you in advance.

      1. OMG…it worked. My Boxee is usable again.

        Dude, I don’t know who you are but you’ve just made a new best friend 🙂

        Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  42. Hi Mr nick,

    hope you’re doing well, and thank you for your support for this.

    i have the same issue, can you add my ip adress aswell !

    thanks in advance

    IP :

  43. Had to reboot router and external IPv4 changed before I could finish. Please add
    thank you.

  44. Hi Nick,

    I’m so confused! I am getting the same error as everyone else. Can you help me with getting my boxee up and running? Please…

      1. Just added you. Read this whole blog post to make sure you understand. Basically, add my public DNS server as the boxee DNS server. Good luck

  45. have tried too reset my boxee only so i can run my fav avi. I don’t want to do any thing but scan list usb hard drive and view.

    please add me so i can either direct connect or ask specific

    thanks for your hard work I hope it was fun

  46. Hello Nick

    You have made an great Job. Can you pls add my IP to your DNS-Server withelist? Greetings from Switzerland.

    I don’t have a Login. What did i put in the field at the BOXEE or is it irrelevant?

  47. Helo! How are you?
    Could you make a video by running the server?
    It would be very interesting for anyone who is a layman on the subject …
    Footsteps would help a lot!
    I thank.

    1. No, sorry, I don’t have time to do that. If you’re not experienced in running a python flask server or a docker container then a video probably won’t help anyway. You’re free to use my public server if you’d like.

      1. thanks for adding nick
        i upgraded boxee.ios and i have given DSN as in my boxee device, still i could not connect
        am i have to do anything with boxee-server-light as you said

        1. Everything is working as far as I can tell. You don’t need to run any code yourself. Double check your IP address hasn’t changed. Also try setting the DNS server on the router and let the boxee box get info from DHCP.

          1. bro sorry for disturbing you,
            now i entered in to Boxee OS but only i can access from pen(usb) drive ,in the browser only google search engine run ,can not run any url(sorry,we couldn’t find the page you were looking for.) ,in app section only Netflix available( in most popular )and this application is not authorised for this device (error)
            is this problem that i am ping from india?

          2. Yes that’s all correct. Browser no longer works and don’t have any apps working. Netflix dropped support for boxee box. Basically all that it’s good for now is playing video over the network and via USB.

          1. Read the FAQ in this post. You don’t create an account. Log in with any username and password.

  48. I need the “firmware” for the DSM-382 model, not for the DSM-380, but for the 382, ​​eye, for the 3-8-2, the boxee.iso

  49. Hello!

    I would like you to help me to bring my Boxee to life again.
    I come to the window where I shall connect to internet an insert ip, dns etc. And it won`t connect of course.
    How do I go from there??


      1. Thanks you Nick.
        I reset my box and upgraded using the boxee.iso file.
        Can you add me to the whitelist please now?
        My IP is

        Thanks again

  50. Hi Nick, i need also your help. My IP Thanks for adding to your White list. Regards Kampi

  51. Hi,
    As a noob I was hoping someone could post a short dummy guide on how to get the Boxee Box working again ( internet connection failure)
    At this point there is no reason for me to ask whitelist my IP as I dont know what to do…..despite the guide in top of this page 🙁
    A dummy guide is needed………..
    Thanks for reading.

    1. Not really any way to make it simpler. Give me your ISP IP, I whitelist you, you set DNS on your router or boxee box to my DNS server IP address.

  52. Hi Nick, i need once more your help. My IP today is Thanks for adding to your white list. Regards Kampi

    1. Sure. Just added you. But if your IP keeps changing you’ll need to set up your own local DNS to point to my application server.

      1. Hey Nick,

        I’m unable to resolve your Public DNS server address:, my tracert timeouts before reaching it.
        Do you have any suggestions?

        Thanks Michael

        1. Traceroute likely won’t work, I ONLY have UDP DNS port open on my server. Try dig to see if you get back as the response address, if so you’re good to go. If not, double check your IP and send me an email to further debug.

  53. Hi Nicholas

    I need your help with my Boxee! After resetting my Iomega Boxee 2tb I can’t use it. I have tried to upgrade firmware to 1.5.1, as per the link
    But I can’t open it says the archive is in unknown format or damaged. Do I really need the latest version .I don’t know what version I have since I can’t go to the home page as internet connection is not working.
    Kind regards,

    1. What model is it? I can only help with the Boxee Box DSM models. The cubes. That firmware will only work for those models.

  54. Hi Nick,

    what am i doing wrong that i can’t connect ,after factory reset? My boxee box is updated with yours boxee.iso file

    Manual settings:
    My ip
    My submet mask
    My gateway
    And your dns server

    Ethernet cord plugged in,but we cant connect to the internet:(

    1. The IP you set in your manual settings has to be an internal IP, not your ISP IP. I suspect your gateway is incorrect too. Might need to let it automatically get an IP from your router, make note of it, then manually set my DNS. Only change the DNS setting.

      1. Hi Nick. I am still looking for the answer for this question. Will boxed only function with an internet connection. I would like to just plug in a usb drive and watch movies at the cottage that does not have internet available. Sorry if you have to answer this question again. Thanks. David

        1. If you log out of the boxee box, you’ll need internet to log back in and use it. Once you’re logged in, you’re fine to unplug internet and use it as usb only player. But you have to be logged into it first.

  55. Hi NIck,

    appreciate your job – seems I am just another one who thougth Boxee became useless.

    Can you add also my IP to the whitelist:

    Many thanks,

  56. Please add mine.
    Thanks for your reply to my previous post above. T0 summarize, change Primary DNS (yours) on my Boxee, connect to internet just one time, disconnect internet and now I should be able to use Kodi to play movies from my attached USB drive. And Boxee will never require an internet connection ever again as long as I do not log out of the Boxee?

  57. Please whitelist me.

    After 2 years of my boxee reporting no internet connectivity, today it decided I wasn’t logged in and couldn’t do anything until that is fixed. Sigh.

  58. I have no luck 🙁
    I flash boxee.iso from link above.
    I find local boxee ip which is
    My subnet mask
    My IPv4:
    I take option manual settings
    IP Address:
    Default Getaway:
    DNS Server:
    Press Confirm
    And no luck.
    No idea what I do wrong.

  59. I was still happily running my boxer on my home network but now it somehow needs to reinstall and won’t because it can’t get online.
    I hope I can get it started with your brilliant set up.
    My ip is:

    Fingers crossed I can get this working again and thanks so much for setting this up!

    Sandra, Sweden

  60. Hi Nick!
    Great blog post. Hope you can bring life back to my Boxee. Please whitelist my IP

  61. Hi Nick, can you add my IP
    I want to re-use my boxee box.
    I use this data
    sub mask
    dns server

    Where am I wrong?

    1. Just added you. is your public IP address. It is not the same as the internal address for your boxee box.

      You’ll need to find out the internal address to use, it will be a 192.168.0.X address. Use that for IP. The rest is good.

  62. hy Nick

    Please add me box you list.
    My IP addres : boxeebox ip address :
    Thank you very match Joseph

  63. Hy Nick

    Please add my IP address.

    This information!

    My IP : / “Boxee IP :”
    almaszk :
    gatawey :
    dns szerver :

    where am i wrong

    Thank you

  64. Hy Nick

    canceled my post sorry if i made a mistake.
    public ip :
    please add to your list.

    Thank you Joseph From Hungarian

  65. Hi!
    I’m starting my Boxee unit.
    Unfortunately, I don’t have a static ip address, but I registered with a DNS provider for remote access. Is it enough to enter my hostname?

    1. No. You’ll need a static IP if you want to remain connected to my server. I can’t DNS whitelist a hostname. My app server is open to the world, so if you run your own local DNS (pihole, etc), you can point to it directly.

      If you just need to get logged into the box once, to play local media (hard drive), then I can whitelist your current IP to get you logged in at least. But you’ll have to unplug ethernet after to stop the no internet popups.

  66. Hi Nick,
    this is CFP again.
    I tried to connect my boxee but it didn’t work.
    With “whatismyip…..” my IP is instead my Boxee IP is
    Could you add my IP again? Thank you….

  67. Hi,

    Do you know whether this fix will also work for the DSM-382 Boxee TV? I am already running in Docker, but it does not appear to be working.

    Can you give instructions of how to run your application in Docker? When I tried to use the pull command in Docker for your repository, I got an access denied error.

    But then again, maybe it won’t be compatible with the DSM-382 box anyway. The firmware on my device is

    1. It is not compatible, i’ve had some others try. If someone was able to give me some of the urls it tries to access I could make it work. But I don’t have one to test.

  68. Hi Nicholas.
    Do you still have your DNS-server for Boxee-Box?
    If you have, can you “whitelist” me, pls..

    Kenneth Kongstad – Denmark

  69. Hello Nick,

    Late to the party. Just moved and dug my boxee out of some old boxes and want to get it going again. Let me know if your servers are still up and if you can whitelist me.

    Thanks for this!

  70. Hi Nick

    Same trouble here
    local ip is

    Would appreciate a lot to go back up


  71. Wow that is awesome that you are still running this for all of us trying to still hold onto the boxee dream.
    Could you please add my ip to your whitelist


      1. Hello Nick bought a Boxee from the Fleamarket yesterday, with all the problems described. Please whitelist me on WAN IP: . Thanks Stan.

      1. nice!

        greatly appreciated Nick for letting me bringing back this device from dead instead of have to recycle paperweight

  72. Hi! Is this server still running? If yes, Will you reply to me via email just so I can get access to my two Boxee Boxes?

  73. Hi Nick,

    I also would like to get the Boxee Box running again. Could you add me to the whitelist please?

    This is my ip4 address:

    Many thanks in advance!

  74. Hello, from Spain.
    I would appreciate it if you would include me in your white list, so I can revive my Boxee Box that has become useless after a reboot.
    Thank you very much.
    My ip4

        1. Hi Manuel,

          If your IP changes this often, you will need to set up your own local DNS server to point to my application. Check out Pihole or similar. I can’t change folks IPs weekly.

  75. Hi Nick! Please delite my old Ip, and put to whitelist my new IP adress: Thatks! Stan.

    1. Hey Stan, just switched them. If you continue to get new IPs, please look at running Pihole or similar local DNS servers so you can point directly at my app server

      1. Thanks Nick! One question, after resuming the connection to your DNS, my Boxee began to request a password, tell me how to solve this?

  76. hi nick can you add me to your list for boxee? thanks man for your hard work and support for us littlenguys that dont know muchon tech.
    My Public IPv4 is:
    My Public IPv6 is: 2601:c2:8200:1040:5ce7:1967:4778:73b1

  77. hi Nick can you add me to your list ? Thanks for your hard work and support
    My ipv4=
    Thanks in advance.

  78. Hi
    I bought recently second hand DSM-380 Boxee and i cannot connect to the internet though on the TV i read connected to your wifi and no internet.
    How can i resolve this problem?
    And i need the firmware to try to update it If you please.
    Thank you in Advance.
    Best Regards

      1. Ayuda por favor tengo un boxee 380 ni conecta a internet. dns primario
        Me pueden agregar al server white listo porfavor gracias

  79. Buenas noches no tengo mucho conocimiento una vez que me adicionaron mi IP que más tengo que hacer para que funcione uso mi IP local con que dns o la IP que me adicionaron la pongo el el boxee box porque igual no tengo acceso a internet cable de Red conectado pero sin acceso gracias

    1. If you connect via wifi, you’ll need to set the DNS server on your router to If you connect via ethernet, you can manually configure your address settings on the boxee box, and set the DNS field to

  80. Buenas ya funciono mi boxee muchas gracias pero no tengo nada me pueden ayudar con un tutorial para instalar kodi intente varios pero no me arranca Kodi desde USB otra vez muchas gracias la ayuda

    1. No, sorry, boxee hacks needs manual editing to get working right now. There’s information if you search reddit.

  81. Buenas noches please me confirmas si está funcionando tu server DNS 18.211.111 89 porque llevo días sin poder ingresar gracias

  82. No tengo mucho conocimiento para crear un server DNS lo que entiendo es que debo crear un DNS server propio gracias

  83. Hi Nick,
    Im a complete factory reset the boxee. Could you kindly whitelist me please?
    Thank You very much for your job!

          1. Nick, Thanks again. Read a lot of the thread and noticed a few comments about DSM-382 boxee boxes. I did a quick scan and noticed that those devices are requesting DNS to :
            I get a 404 response from your DNS server as I do not think you have that in your list. Not sure if that helps.

          2. That’s good info. I’d like to get it working for those, but never had one. Email me directly with all the requests you’re seeing. I don’t have example responses but maybe we can get something working

            nickserra at gmail

  84. Hopefully you still have your Boxee DNS server up and going strong – it’s been a life saver in the past.

    Would you be able to whitelist my IP – had to do a factor restore, and having trouble getting on again…

    Thanks in advance!

  85. Hi Nick, I just found a boxee and am trying to make some use. Could you please add my ip in the whitelist? Thank you.

    From it says my IP is So it means I do not have a public IP address at all?

    1. is valid. Australia? If so I can add that one. Let me know. Where’d you get the 100.x.x.x address from?

      1. Hi Nick,wanna try making my boxee work again but i don’t really understand how to do it
        i’ve factory reset it and now i don’t have access on the settings

  86. Hi I’m trying to revive my old boxee box. One last attempt before I bin it.
    Could you please white list my ip address;

  87. Hello Nick,

    You are brilliant that you solve this problem with Boxee.
    I love this small cube, I have two Boxee.
    Unfortunately they did not work.

    I was very happy to find your article about Boxer backup.

    Can I get your help, because I reset the Boxee Box, upgraded to new version of firmware.
    I understand the plan.
    But I am not a develper or sever expert, so in the next step with Docker I can not follow your instructions.

    I download and install Docker on a Mac.
    After that I download the Box server in a zip file.
    I am new in the Mac world I used 25 years Windows.

    The problem the next step.
    I open the Docker, but I do not understand how to add the image file.
    Am I right? You mean on “image” the iso file? Right?

    So first question is how can I make an image/iso file from downloaded zip file?
    And how can I add it to Docker?

    In the next steps I do not understand how can I connect to the Boxee from Mac…
    Because it appear a message that “Boxee can not connect to the internet”…

    Thank you for you help and answer,

    1. Hey Norbert. Kind of hard to help with these questions if you’re not a software dev, as a lot of it is just Docker 101. The ISO file is boxee firmware and is a totally separate thing. Not sure where you downloaded a zip file.

      Basically if you want to run this yourself you’ll need to find a basic guide to setting up docker on mac or windows and running your first container. My docker image is not pushed up to docker hub either so you’d need to download and build it yourself too.

      Alternatively you’re free to use my public server if you’d like, to bypass all these requirements. Just need your public ipv4 then you’d set my DNS server as the DNS entry on your router local network of manually on the boxee boxes themselves.

  88. Hello Nick,

    Thank you for your answer.
    My internet provider change daily the IP address, so I do not have another opportunity, I must to solve this problem in Boxee Box.

    Is it possible that you make a video tutorial, maybe we can follow you instruction.
    If it is possible, you can help for hundreds if not thousands users.

    Thank you.

    1. There’s tons of videos on how to run a docker container on youtube already. Check those out, my container for this is not special. You can use the docker for mac UI to even run it. Youll just need to do a docker build to generate the image, and set some environment variables. And also on your mac youll need to open it up so connections on that port are accepted.

      1. Please add my ip to whitelist 😊

        I got a second hand unit with “no internet” syndrome 😅

  89. Hi Nick 😁

    I bought a secondhand boxee box and could not log in. Factory defaulted it (which I shouldn’t have 😕) and now it seems downgraded, and still “no internet”.

    I have tried to set up Docker and such, but could not figure it out. I got your latest image (i believe) and have upgraded the box tho.

    Could you whitelist me so i could pass the internet login phase?

    My ip is

    Many thanks 😁

  90. Regarding the former post – IP Just changed to should be stable for a while tho 😅

      1. You, sir, are a HERO!!!

        Thank you so much for doing this 😁 I got a spark of life in my Boxee, and got around to get boxeeplus on it. Now on to some Kodi work.

        I so see that there is no internet connection (by your dns it is connected but no traffic, or by dynamic ally assigned dns then there is no connection). That is to be expected? That it will function with local files (ie from a NAS), but not getting thumbnails from the net or such?

        Anyways, thanks a million for this 😁😁😁

        1. You should have internet connection. My DNS just overrides for the domain. All others should work and you shouldn’t see “no internet connection” warnings anymore. Maybe your IP changed again. Also i’m not emulating all endpoints, so many things don’t work.

  91. Hi Nick,

    Could you add me to the whitelist please as I would like to get the Boxee Box running again!

    My Public IP addresses are:-
    Pv6: 2a02:c7c:d2dc:1000:44e4:3813:6068:9c17

    Many thanks in advance from Glasgow Scotland


  92. Hi,

    I bought another Boxee Box, but can’t find a working 1.5.1 firmware download link. Do you have one? All the best,


  93. Dear nick, Could you please whitelist me?

    my IP is and please tell me if there is a username and password to fill in whilst doing the manual network settings

    Kindest regards,

  94. Oops, forget my previous comment!

    I accidently send t he ip of my pc… But not of my boxee box. The ip of my boxee is: Could you please whitelist me?

  95. Hi, thanks for doing this. Could I ask for you to add 2 addresses please?
    Thank you

      1. I think I may of gave you the details can you add this one asap please ip6 2a02:6b6a:44c9:0:8cb:40ba:35db:4f9e ipv4

          1. It clearly doesn’t say anything that it won’t work it says you can try but I need you to add the ip I sent you second time because the ip I send first is the wrong ip

  96. Dsm382 is a Boxee box are you sure you know what you are doing because the box has a Boxee box logo on it and when it’s plugged in it clearly states it’s a Boxee box

    1. Lol I built this. I run it. But yeah I don’t know what i’m doing. Dsm382 is a Boxee TV not a boxee box. Not gonna work sorry.

  97. Hi,

    If you still have this running, im trying to se if i can get my old one to run again even though im a bit rusty. is my ip.

    Thank you in advance!

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